Frequently Asked Questions

What is Twinning?

The goal of the world-wide Twinning movement is to bring people together, creating bonds of friendship and understanding. The concept of Twinning was created after World War II to help populations heal. Today the value of bringing people together is just as necessary as it was then.

Who does Havre de Grace Twin With Currently?

Mumbles, Wales!

Mumbles, a small waterfront community on an outcropping of land in southwest Wales, lies on the western edge of Swansea Bay and marks the entrance to the Gower Peninsula. Mumbles is a district of Swansea with its own community government, is home to approximately 16,000 people and is continuing to grow.

Havre de Grace Twinning’s formal relationship with TAM began in September 2019, when the Charter declaring the twinning relationship was signed by representatives of both organizations during the inaugural visit to Mumbles, Wales.

How is Twinning Funded?

HDG Twinning is fully self-supporting but has support and recognition from the City of Havre de Grace and Community Projects of HdG, Inc. Association members pay for their own travel expenses while the host organization covers accommodations and activities. In return, HdG Twinning hosts members of the Twinning Association of Mumbles.

How Do You Select a City or Town to Twin With?

We start with a commonality and go from there. Havre de Grace and Mumbles have bodies of water that define both communities. Havre de Grace is at the mouth of the Susquehanna River, emptying into the Chesapeake Bay. Mumbles began as a fishing village on the Bristol Channel near the city of Swansea. The populations of both communities number around 15,000. Both have lighthouses. Both have establishments named Coakley’s, one a pub and one a fishmonger. Both have traditions centered around wood carving, decoys in Havre de Grace, and love spoons in Mumbles.

Will Havre de Grace Twin With Other Cities?

Absolutely! Currently, Havre de Grace twins with Mumbles, Wales. We are always looking for more opportunities to twin with other cities. If you have any suggestions, please reach out to us!

Do I Need To Travel to Be A Member?

Not at all. Twinning is much more than just an exchange program; there are many opportunities to get involved right in town! Members can connect with their own community members and meet new faces with our virtual events and local activities.

Are There Any Dues?

Participation is voluntary and does not require dues. Association members pay for their own travel expenses while the host organization covers accommodations and activities.